Welcome to the Slovenian Briard Page

Origin and the history of the Briard Everything about the origin and the history of the Briard, where the breed's name derives from, stories about briards; etc...
Description of the breed General description of the Briard, some phisical feautures, etc...
Briard links Links to other Homepages about Briards
Kennel clubs Links to Homepages of Briard clubs all over the world, with standards for Briards, etc...
Polly, my Briard Everything about Polly, my Briard: short description, pictures, ancestors, etc...
Pictures Briard pictures. These pictures are the contribution of briarders from all over the world.
If you have any pictures of your Briard (not necessary yours), send them to with E-MAIL
Sign in my Guestbook ... and your Homepage (Briards' or of any other breed) will appear between Briard links; of course you will be written down in my Guestbook.
Guestbook People, who might help you solve any problems that that you have with your Briard and all others who had came here and signed in.

Last update: 10. 11. 1997
You are visitor No. 3054

Disclaimer and legal stuff:

These pages are not commercial and they were not build with intention to be commercial. The material I have provided on this site is strictly for informational purposes and is pure reproduction of what I have read and heard from experts in this field.
Some of the material might be copyrighted but I wouldn't know too much about that; I'm not a lawyer.
I can not and will not be held responsible if any information obtained from these pages will harm or, God forbid, even kill your beloved dog.