Who am I, where do I come from, what do I like....?
Well, first of all, my name is Gasper (my fiends call me Gapi) Kresnik. I was born on 10th of August 1976 in the city of Ljubljana. I've lived here for all my life, but not in the same part of the city. First, I've lived in a part of town called Siska, and now I live in Nadgorica. If I am honest, I prefer living here. As you might already know, Ljubljana is the capital city of Slovenia. If you would like to learn more about Ljubljana or Slovenia, simply click on their names (hey, that's surfing :) ).

Currently I am a student of Faculty of Economics here in Ljubljana. This faculty is a part of University of Ljubljana. But what about previous life, you ask yourself... Well read on, and you'll learn something about my past (not all of course, I certainly have my secrets and there are such things that are not for public reading...). As I already wrote, I was born in August and my Zodiac sign is (you guessed it) Lion. My first years of life passed very quickly (probably because I don't remember much about that years - how coul I, if I was a baby then...). Well anyway, I've flown through the local elementary school (elementary school of Crnuce), then Gymnasium Vic and now I am here where I am. I also became a Radio Operater and my callsign is Sierra Five Six Lima Golf Zulu (S56 LGZ). You can reach me on 145.450 and 433.450 MHz almost every day. My HAM equipment is: Kenwood TH-79 (5 Watts of power) and 9 element Yagi antenna on the roof of my house. I also am a member of ZRS. And let's not forget, why am I writing this text. You guessed it, it has to do with computers.

In the year 1987 I got my first computer Commodore 64 (yeah, that was the one...). After two weeks working with that computer (can I even call it computer ;) ) I knew that all my life will be connected with computers. Then after few years first PC arrived to my home and I was possessed with computers even more. I learned DOS basics, then I continued with Windows (also programming in VisualBasic) and finally I discoverd OS/2. Today it's my everyday partner. I use OS/2 for two years now and because I love communications I need a good multitasking and multithreading OS, which OS/2 WARP certainly is.

There is just one more thing that I like to do even more, than working with computer. And that is flying. I feel like I was born to be a pilot. Well to be honest, that is my plan for the future - to become a pilot. I don't know why I didn't do anything in that direction till now, but I'm working on it right now...

So, that's a very short description of my life, my hobbies, and so on. If you would like to ask me anything or add anything to this text, just send me a message...