kissme [datum] [nit] [naslov] [avtor] [reply]
Avtor:Aljaz Prusnik (
Datum:Sat, 6 Apr 1996 10:08:27 +0100 [naprej][nazaj]

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 1996 21:55:42 -0500
From: (J.D. and Alice Hill)
Subject: LepNet: TROJAN HORSE Virus Warning!! (NDLR)(But please don't ignore!)
Reply-to: (J.D. and Alice Hill)

IMPORTANT!!! Whatever you do, please do _NOT_ download anything with the
file name PKZIP300.ZIP. I quote this from an internal e-mail posted to GTE
Data Services (where my husband works) from GTE's Detroit headquarters this
morning about 8:30 EST. I've edited out the e-mail addresses for space
constraints; if anyone wants to check this out, I'll be more than happy to
provide them.

>There is a computer virus (not here #) posted on the Internet.
>It has the file name PKZIP300.ZIP. It is named this way to
>give you the impression that it is a new version of PKZIP -
>software used to compress files.
>Do not download this file under any circumstances. If you
>install or expand this file, the virus (a Trojan horse) will
>wipe out your hard drive and affect the modems of 14.4 or higher.
>There is no cure for this virus and your virus protection software
>is not capable of detecting or cleaning the file.
>Safety first: Do not download any file with the file PKZIP300,
>regardless of the extension.


Evo! Da vas ne bo premamilo.

### Aljaz Prusnik, Ljubljana, Slovenia ###
### Email: ###
### ###
...'Cause the best is yet to come!
