kissme [datum] [nit] [naslov] [avtor] [reply]
Datum:Fri, 08 Mar 1996 08:14:41 +0100 [naprej][nazaj]

From: kerry miller <>
To: "Environmental Issues in Central and Eastern Europe List"
Subject: Re: 10 years of Chernobyl (fwd
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 19:20:34 -0600 (CST)
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Dear friends,
Hereby I send you an update of all the activities concerning
the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the accident at
Chernobyl NPP.
I hope you will get inspired by reading this and see we're not
alone in the anti-nuclear struggle!!!!
If you have any extra/ new information on Chernobyl 10+
activities, please let us know!
Some people from the Czech Republic and the United States will
try to "arrange" media-attention for the whole "Chernobyl 10+
campaign" and for all the different initiatives as well, so
it's quite important that we can let them know what's going

Thanks to all the people who keep on organising all these
beautiful things....only with joined hands we can stop the
nuclear age!

Please find enclosed the "Petition for a Nuclear-free Future".
We hope you will translate it to the appropriate language and
spread it as much as you can.....

It's all little steps towards a nuclear free world!

Keep up the good spirit,

Krista van Velzen
For Mother Earth International
Gewad 15, 9000 Gent, Belgium
Tel. +32-9-2334924
Fax +32-9-2337302



*The "FINGERBOOK" on No More Chernobyls
A fingerbook guide to stopping the Western nuclear industry's
expasion in Eastern Europe"
This booklet, written by several Eastern European
Antinuke/environmental groups gives a basic introduction to
nuclear power issues in Eastern Europe. Also it gives info on
most NPP's in that region and which groups are working to stop
the construction or operating of this plant.
A very useful and practical booklet! More info: Hnuti Duha
(FoE Czech Republic), Jakubsk‚ nam 7, 60200 Brno Czech
Republic Tel. +42-5-4221-0438 Fax 0347 Email:

*The WISE News Communique - a biweekly newsletter on the
anti-nuclear movement and news worldwide. Contact Wise-
International,postbox 18185, 1001 ZB Amsterdam, the
Netherlands Tel. +31-20-612 6368 Fax 689 2179




* A Tribunal on Chernobyl will be held in Vienna 12-15 april.
This will be a shadowconference on the International
Conference of the IAEA,UN, UNESCO, UNEP, UNSCEAR, FAO and
NEA/OECD. It's called " One decade after Chernobyl, summing up
the consequences of the accident", 8-12 april.
For info on the shadow conference: Int. Medical Commission
Chernobyl, dr. Rosalie Bertell, 710-264 Queens Quay West,
Toronto Ontario M5J 1B5 Canada.
For info on the IAEA conference: IAEA, Vienna International
Centre, Wagramerstrasse 5, P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna
Telefax +43-1-20607

* An exhibition on sustainable energy options is planned for
april 14th

* An exhibition by the Atomic Photografers Association will
take place. On monday april 15th there will be a major media
conference with the Judges verdict.


* Saturday march 30th, informationday on Chernobyl, nuclear
energy and renewables in Belgium, a phase-out scenario for
Belgium and about the fate of Indigenous People,being the
first victims of the nuclear chain. Org. For Mother Earth
(FME) Belgium, Gewad 15, 9000 Gent +32-9-2334924

* Sunday march 31st till saturday april 6th: Biketour for a
Future without Nuclear Energy. The route will go along all the
proposed radwaste dumpsites in Flanders, the northern part of
Belgium, to end at the NPP of Doel. Org. FME Belgium.
During the biketour local people and local action-committees
against the dumpsites will be invited to join the public rally
at Doel NPP on april 27th.

* Friday april 26th non-violent direct action at the Belgian
nuclear power plant of Doel. Org. FME Belgium.

* Saturday april 27th a national rally will take place with a
large network of citizens groups at the same NPP in Doel.
Org. FME Belgium.


*International Seminar on Women and Energy, Minsk, 23.-28.
April. Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women Commission
on Ecology and Bioethics contact: Marguerite Wieser, Chemin
Challendin 12, CH-1208 Geneva Switzerland,
Tel/Fax +41-22-349 0865


* The French group CSFR (Comit pour la Sauvegarde de Fessen-
heim et de la plaine du Rhine) close to the German border
invites everybody to gather on Place de la Cathedral Vieux
Brisach (Germany) at 15h on april 24th. This gathering will be
a commemoration of the tenth aniversery of Chernobyl and a
protest against the "Euroreactor". For more information
contact the energy.chernob conference (subscription at


* On April 26th there will be a lot of decentralized actions
organised by local groups.

*Rally "Sonnige Zeiten" (sunny sides), for an ecological
energy change, Berlin. Info: Marek Sander, PF 1647, 55006
Mainz Tel. +49-6131-236767 Fax 236115

* On April 27th there will be coordinated demonstrations in
six different places: Ahaus, NPP Krummel, Morsleben, NPP
Biblis, Freiburg and Munich. Printed material will be spread
to inform the public about the demonstrations. Info: M. Sander

* A conference on Chernobyl will be held in Bonn April 26 -
28th. It deals with the consequences of the disaster, the
risks of the nuclear industry, and ecological alternatives.
For further information,
contact:Naturwissenschaftler-Initiative, Ruhrallee 39, 441 39
Dortmund. E-mail: UPHC01@UX1.HRZ.UNI-DORTMUND.DE

* Another conference will be held in Berlin April 19 - 21th.
It will be organised by IPPNW and Otto Hug radiation institute
and is going to deal with the health effects of Chernobyl. For
info: IPPNW, Korterstr. 10, 10967 Berlin. Fax:
++49-30-6938166. Email:

* The UNESCO-Project-Schools are planning an international
project-day for solidarity on april 26th. They are planning
local activities on that date and will inform schools about
these, Chernobyl and energy-issues in general.
Signatures will be collected and sent to the European Union
and Internationale Atombehorde (IAEA?) in order to persuade
them to assist the victims of the disaster. Contact: Falk
Bloech, Dr. Gottfried Strobl, Oberstufen-Kolleg,
Universitatstr. 23, D-33615 Bielefeld. Fax: +49.521.106-29 67.

*From 15 till 23th of June the actionweek "Sonne-Energiewende"
will be organised. Info: M. Sander.

*From July 29th till August 12th, the environmental biketour "
Gegenwind" (counterwind) will take place. The route goes from
Garzweiler to Ahaus. Info: Graf Adolfstrasse 7-9, 40878
Ratingen Tel. +49-2101-910623

*In the summer a Sustainable Energy Tour will take place in
different countries in Europe during 2 or 3 months. A group of
people will give workshops on renewables and make music and
theatre.Org: SET, Merzhauserstrasse 150/07, D-79100 Freiburg
Tel. + 49-761 407100 Email:


* A postcard campaign will be launched to commemorate the
Chernobyl accident.

* The Hungarian campaign will try to make newspapers publish
supplements about Chernobyl on April 26th.

* There will be a travelling photo-exhibition.

* On April 26th there will be country-wide actions coordinated
by Energia Klub.

* A seminar will be held on the nuclear situation (worldwide,
but especially in Eastern Europe). Based partly on the semi-
nar, a comprehensive book on nuclear issues will be published.


* Lega Ambiente is planning to prepare a dossier on Chernobyl
and a demonstration (possibly with a concert). This is very
much unconfirmed though.

* VAS (Verde Ambiente e Societa) is preparing a little book on
nuclear issues 10 years after Chernobyl, and an international
Observatory on all the international initiatives.


* Activities in Hiroshima are planned as well as negotiations
are carried out for bringing the Hiroshima exhibition to Kiev.


*Workshopday on "different energy", about renewable energy in
the Netherlands in theory and reality. Organised by No More
Chernobyls NL and Omslag. Tel. +31-73-5941622 Email:

* In about 20 towns there will be a torchlight march on the
evening of the 26th, at two nuclear power station there will
be an action and the 27th there will be a bigger manifestation
in Amsterdam. It will focus on western (Dutch) money being
transfered into the nuclear industry in Eastern Europe.

* Bike-tours from 5 different nuclear facilities to Utrecht,
from where they will continue to Den Haag, to meet with
politicians and handle over petitions. Then the 5 groups will
join to cycle to Amsterdam for the national rally.
The bike-tours will all start with a non-violent direct action
at a nuclear facility.
Org.: For Mother Earth NL/ No More Chernobyls NL
Postbox 94115 1090 GC, Amsterdam tel 31-20-6657743/f6928757

* If money can be raised, a postcard campaign adressing the
Dutch government will be launched trying to make them stop the
funding of nuclear power in the east.

* Big media money gathering events are going to be organized.


* An antinuclear conference is taking place in Kazan on the
28th of march, organised bythe Antinuclear society of
Tartarstan. More info by A F Garapov, Russian Tatarstan,
420034 Kazan p/b 90, Ul Chernshevski 18/23


* A conference to commemorate the tenth anniversary of
Chernobyl will be held in Stockholm. The conference will focus
on sustainable energy. It will take place at April 26-27th.
Among the speakers are Rosali Bertell and Frank Barnaby.

* In the northern city of Sundsvall there will be a major
event on saturday 26th. This part of Sweden was the most
affected by the Chernobyl disaster.
Further information WISE-Stockholm Box 9152, 102 72 Stockholm.


* A book, 10 Jahre Tchernobyl, is published by Rotpunktverlag.
The author is Susan Boos.


*From april 12th till 27th For Mother Earth International
organises a "Walk for a Nuclear-free Future" from Kiev to the
30km zone around Chernobyl. The walk will start in Kiev with
workshops and guestspeakers on Chernobyl and energy issues in
Eastern Europe. Also meetings with relocated people, (ex-)
workers at the NPP, medical people, liquidators and sick
people. On the 26th there will be a ceremony and non-violent
direct actions at the zone border. Possibly a rally will be
organised in Kiev for April 27th. Register today, so we can
send you an invitation needed for visa application as soon as

*International Conference " Lessons of Chernobyl" will take
place on April 20-22 in Kiev. This conference is part of the
Chernobyl 10th anniversary campaign. For More information
contact Tobias Munchmeyer Wul. Prorisna 4/34, UA/252003 Kiev
Tel./Fax: +380-44-228-6732 Email:


* Campaign for Nuclear disarmament plans a walk to the repro-
cessing plant of Sellafield
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 162 Holloway Road, London
N7 8DQ , tel.: +44-171-700 2393 Email:


* The US campagne is organized by NIRS along with Greenpeace.
They are attempting to set up Chernobyl relief activities in
some 200 places across the U.S. during April. Vitamins, baby
food, medicines, etc., will be collected.
Org. Nuclear Information and Research Service, 1424 16th St NW
Suite 601, Washington, DC 20036 Email:

* Apart from NIRS and Greenpeace, lots of other organizations
will be involved. Organizing will be done among students,
unions and religious communities as well.

* NIRS has set up a Chernobyl + 10 area on their web site

* An extensive campagne will be directed towards local as well
as national media. This will mainly be handled by Greenpeace.

* The Safe Energy Communication Council will release a new
report: MYTHBusters#10:International Nuclear Power. The report
contains an update on Chernobyl and rejects the myths on
nuclear energy.

* An evening event is taking place in New York on April 25th.
It will consist of speeches, poetry and music. Among the
speakers are Helen Caldicott, Michio Kaku and Jay Gould.
Organizer is the Open Magazine Pamphlet Series and Learning
Alliance. They will also release the book Critical Mass:
Voices for a nuclear free future. Info Greg Ruggieo, e-mail


Gent, february 27th 1996

Dear friends,

Underneath you'll find the "International Petition for a
Nuclear-Free Future".
This petition is specially designed to serve for the campaign
on the tenth commemoration of the Chernobyl catastrophy.
We hope you'll copie it and spread it among your contacts.

For a nuclear free world!!

Krista van Velzen and Pol d'Huyvetter
For Mother Earth International



Dear Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Secretary General of the United
Nations :

In 1996, in the tenth year following the Chernobyl disaster, we
wish to draw your attention to our concern for a nuclear free
world for the future generations.

We the undersigned support following demands :

* Stop the promotional and technological functions of the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concerning nuclear
energy. The IAEA should be a purely control agency that gives Non
Governmental Organizations participation in policy making.

* Create a new International Energy Agency under the United
Nations for research and promotion of renewable energy.

We hope Mr. Secretary General that you will undertake initiatives
to implement these demands as soon as possible.

Name Address etc.....

Please copy and spread this petition.

Return signed petitions before november 30th 1996 to :
Abolition 2000 - Chernobyl WG
c/o FOR MOTHER EARTH, Gewad 15, 9000 Gent, Belgium

Phone +32-9-2334924 Fax +32-9-2337302 E-mail:

end message
