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Datum:Thu, 25 Jan 1996 06:14:25 +0100 [naprej][nazaj]

From: MX%"" 24-JAN-1996 22:54:45.38
To: MX%""
Subj: Again: MSc and PhD at the CEU

To: "Environmental Issues in Central and Eastern Europe List"
Subject: Again: MSc and PhD at the CEU
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 21:20:47 +100
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Please post as many places as you can.


The Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy of the Central
European Univeristy is inviting applications for the 96-97 academic
year. Scholars from Central Europe and the former Soviet Union
receive full scholarship and the coverage of related expenses.
Our Western applicants compete for a limited number of tuition fee
waivers. Successful graduates of the program may receive training
at a Western institute as well.

All information is available (incl. the application forms) at

good luck.

Prof. Diana Vorsatz

Department of Environmental
Sciences and Policy
Central European University
Nador u. 9, Budapest
H-1051 Hungary
Phone: (36 1) 327-3021 / Fax: (36 1) 327-3031

University Background

The Central European University (CEU), founded by George Soros in 1990,
combines postgraduate teaching for top scholars, research for projects
pertaining to the Region, and policy work through a variety
of institutes. Since 1991, the CEU has offered a series of Master's
level programs in social sciences,
humanities, law and environmental sciences and policy.

Statement of Purpose

The Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy aims to create a network of
collaborating scientists and environmentally trained professionals in
Central and Eastern Europe, including the former Yugoslavia and the former
Soviet Union. It is hoped that these individuals, primarily CEU graduates, will
work together to solve environmental problems common to the Region.
The foundations for this network are laid in the Department's M.Sc. Degree
Program in Budapest which provides students with a combined
science, technology and social science vocational training, thus
preparing them for careers in a range of environmental fields.
It is hoped that students will gain responsible positions advising on environmental
policy and environmental implications of the companies' and states' activities.
This would then foster engagement in a variety of environmental planning,
regulation and management activities.

Master of Science Degree Program

The program emphasizes the interdisciplinary approach to solving environmental
problems. In order to maintain a proper cultural balance, leading environmentalists
from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Western Europe and North America
contribute to the curriculum, teaching and field work of the program.
Every year forty-five or so students from the CEE are selected to participate
on a scholarship basis covering tuition, accommodation, limited travel to and
from the CEU and a living stipend. Up to twelve places are available
for non-CEE students. These do not carry funding except that in certain cases fee
waivers may be given. The program is based in Budapest but may also
include field trips to other parts of the Region. Library and computer
facilities (and training) are available to students, and as all lectures are
in English, language instruction is provided as well.

Course Structure - the Modular Approach

The M.Sc. course comprises 5 "modules" - four taught modules
each lasting approximately 6 weeks, and a two and a half month
research module wherein students conduct independent research for their Master's
theses. Significantly, in terms of time-tabling, the Master's Program will
be offered under two approaches. Firstly, students may take the
course as a continuous 1 year program beginning in the Fall and ending
during the following Summer. Secondly, students can complete
the course over a period of up to five years, e.g., completing
one module per year. Under this approach, after taking the Introductory Module,
students can take the remaining modules (excluding research
which must be last) in any order and any
grouping they choose. It is hoped that this more flexible arrangement
will be particularly attractive to working professionals who cannot afford
to take an entire year off from their jobs.

How and Where to Apply

Individuals up to the age of 40 who have shown a
strong interest in environmental issues can apply.
Previous degrees in the following fields are
particularly relevant: Natural Sciences (biology,
botany, zoology, biochemistry, chemistry, physics,
geology); engineering; medicine; mathematics;
quantitative economics. Others with significant
environmental experience may also be considered.

Closing Date: Completed application forms,
including Recommendation Letters must be received
by 1 February 1996 in order to be considered. All
applications must include a brief statement, in
English, of not more than 250 words, about the
applicant's career goals and reasons for applying to
the course.


Start Date of the 1996/1997 course: Mid-September
1996. Application Forms and Details are available
from your local Soros Foundation Office, the
Department (see front cover) or on the World Wide
Web at
