fdv [datum] [nit] [naslov] [avtor] [reply]
Datum:Mon, 28 Apr 1997 15:13:08 +0100 (CET) [naprej][nazaj]

From: MX%"ljarmon@indiana.edu" 11-FEB-1997 19:28:35.10
To: MX%"alvl-announce@venus.co.uk",MX%"cstudies@indiana.edu",MX%"ETHNO@CIOS.ORG",MX%"gesture-l@jcu.edu.au",MX%"glbserv@indiana.edu",MX%"LANG-USE@VM.TEMPLE.EDU",MX%"linganth@cc.rochester.edu",MX%"sca-perform@UHDVX3.DT.UH.EDU",MX%"wmnsnet@indiana.edu"
Subj: Fwd: Important!!!!!!

Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 11:10:24 -0500 (EST)
X-Sender: ljarmon@othello.ucs.indiana.edu
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
To: alvl-announce@venus.co.uk, cstudies@indiana.edu, ETHNO@CIOS.ORG,
gesture-l@jcu.edu.au, glbserv@indiana.edu, LANG-USE@VM.TEMPLE.EDU,
linganth@cc.rochester.edu, sca-perform@UHDVX3.DT.UH.EDU,
From: ljarmon@indiana.edu (Leslie Jarmon)
Subject: Fwd: Important!!!!!!
Sender: owner-gesture-l@jcu.edu.au
Precedence: bulk

Sorry if you've already seen this, but it seemed potentially improtant to
all of us who use lists.
>------Begin forward message-------------------------
>Return-Path: <arnold@viptx.net>
>Received: from Sprite.viptx.net (root@Sprite.viptx.net []) by
> id IAA12942; Sun, 9 Feb 1997 08:05:48 -0800 (PST)
>Received: from desktop (b1-17.bweb.net []) by
>Sprite.viptx.net (8.7.5/8.7.3) with
>SMTP id KAA17240 for <tmplgods@ix.netcom.com>; Sun, 9 Feb 1997 10:06:56 -0600
>Message-ID: <32FDF77B.AFE@viptx.net>
>Date: Sun, 09 Feb 1997 10:12:43 -0600
>From: Carter Arnold <arnold@viptx.net>
>Organization: ez
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02E-KIT (Win95; U)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: tmplgods@ix.netcom.com
>Subject: Important!!!!!!
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Hello Paul,
>I received a note this morning, from Paul Ruby, our Computer, Internet
>guy, and I thought it was rather important. Please read the following
>and pass it on...this effects all of us, and should definately be of
>interest to all of us!!!
>Subject: FCC Imposed Charges
>I am writing you this to inform you of a very important matter currently
>under review by the FCC. Your local telephone company has filed a
>proposal with the FCC to impose per minute charges for your Internet
>service. They contend that your usage has or will hinder the operation
>of the telephone network.
>It is my and many others belief that Internet usage will diminish if
>users were required to pay additional per minute charges. The FCC has
>created an email box for your comments, responses must be received by
>February 13, 1997. Send your comments to:
> isp@fcc.gov
>and tell them what you think.
>Please forward this e-mail to all your friends on the Internet so all
>our voices may be heard.
>Mari/Carter Arnold
>------End forward message---------------------------
