fdv [datum] [nit] [naslov] [avtor] [reply]
Datum:Thu, 27 Jun 1996 00:21:21 +0100 [naprej][nazaj]

From: MX%"cdkk@worldnet.att.net" 26-JUN-1996 20:40:25.37
To: MX%"blake@norden1.com",MX%"mahi00@saskmaple.net",MX%"ccw@netpath.net",MX%"kosmiski@acad1.stvincent.edu",MX%"jleon@dfwmm.net",MX%"tomara@bga.com",MX%"tomaz.racic@uni-lj.si",MX%"david@tex.gov.us.net",MX%"soliva@gj.net",MX%"gfowler@gv.net"
Subj: [Fwd: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.] (fwd)

Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 18:34:56 GMT
X-Sender: cdkk@postoffice.worldnet.att.net
X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Version 1.4.3
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
To: blake@norden1.com, mahi00@saskmaple.net, ccw@netpath.net,
kosmiski@acad1.stvincent.edu, jleon@dfwmm.net, tomara@bga.com,
tomaz.racic@uni-lj.si, david@tex.gov.us.net, soliva@gj.net,
gfowler@gv.net, mueller@tellabs.com, bpowell@nyx.nyx.net,
skyline-ranch@toski.com, psu06487@odin.cc.pdx.edu, tfaulkne@lcsc.edu,
From: cdkk@worldnet.att.net
Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.] (fwd)
X-MX-Warning: VMS Mail To: line does not include all To: addresses

(I'm really sorry you guys...I'm only sending it on so I don't have
to feel guilty... knowwhatimean? Love, Barbie *~_~*)

To: Atrus <ashworth@arn.net>, Barbie <cdkk@worldnet.att.net>,
> Beanie <katie.raynes-goldie@mail.cimtegration.com>,
> BlueApple <d.c.briody@hw.ac.uk>, Breeze <toorich@arn.net>,
> Breza <hmt001@bridgewater.edu>, carteri@tahoma.cwu.edu,
> cmtaylr@rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu, Corinne <cbooy@tiger.lsuiss.ocs.lsu.edu>,
> Crazy <01csproctor@bsuvc.bsu.edu>, Delamitri <dottie@iq.catalina.org>,
> Granny_ak <msb@arn.net>, Heaven <scampsey@genesis.net>,
> Heron <malibunj@prolog.net>, Istari <asymons@compusmart.ab.ca>,
> JavaGirl <Jamie_Davis@baylor.edu>, Javlin <javlin@arn.net>,
> Jay <jmillington@cdx.net>, jennscot@ns.fullnet.net,
> Katelynn <psycho@arn.net>, Krimson <blondie@netra.voyageur.ca>,
> Lalla <Lalla@lava.net>, Lysandra <singpraz@new-ls.lightspeed.net>,
> Man hunter <gulfstat@advtel.net>, Moira <gst@scican.net>,
> "Mrs. Bookworm" <michalaj@student.unipissing.ca>,
> Pung <christopherb@macs.Mankato.MN.US>,
> Rorschach <accw79@sparc1.glen-net.ca>,

> Rorschach <jroberts@nbaycwc.cwconnect.ca>, Shiva <kalima@ix.netcom.com>,
> Shrug <baburto@yorku.ca>, Sir_Per <securp@arn.net>,
> SuperFrog <Bailey304@gnn.com>, Thale <ncc1701d@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu>,
> Tia <tmartin@miworld.net>, Tintin <shixiang@singnet.com.sg>
>From: Jose Sucre <jsucre@compusmart.ab.ca>
>Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.] (fwd)
>X-Sender: jsucre@bernie.compusmart.ab.ca
>Date: Wed, 26 Jun 96 18:46:31 +0000
>>Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 13:06:14 -0400 (AST)
>>From: Nanik Hemrajani <ac031@virgin.usvi.net>
>>To: lsac84464@saclink1.csus.edu
>>cc: jlucas@uvi.edu, squirt@cyber-naut.com, Alpine@cyber-naut.com,
>> techmage@generation.net,
>> "Laurence A. Searles" <searles@virgin.usvi.net>,
>> jsucre@compusmart.ab.ca, gjay@texoma.com, merlin@ritz.mordor.com,
>> canth819@horse.supranet.ne, yankee@wilmington.net, jake@oprf.org
>>Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.] (fwd)
>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 03:45:31 -0500
>>From: jonathan@rconnect.com <jonathan@rconnect.com>
>>To: doomnet@jorsm.com, arc@magellan.cloudnet.com, jeromeharter@assyst.com,
>> rch002@lion.connect.more.net, RichardLindeman@xc.org,
>> scottfick@assyst.com, hurricane@polarcom.com, h0444zrl@rz.hu-berlin.de,
>> Syunya Yamanaka <yandy@lapis.bijoux.co.jp>, smaassen@nwciowa.edu,
>> ac031@virgin.usvi.net, JohnLE8@aol.com,
>> luknij01@Tigger.STCLOUD.MSUS.EDU, timesquare@joeboxer.com
>>Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.]
>>>Return-Path: <crow@acadiacom.net>
>>>Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 00:14:52 -0500
>>>X-Sender: crow@mail.acadiacom.net
>>>To: jonathan@rconnect.com
>>>From: Daran Waters <dwaters1@ua1vm.ua.edu> (by way of Wicked
>>>Subject: [Fwd: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.]
>>>Return-Path: <jbarrett@AIRMAIL.NET>
>>>Received: from UA1VM (NJE origin V2SMTP@UA1VM) by UA1VM.UA.EDU (LMail
>>> V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 6960; Tue, 25 Jun 1996 03:03:48 -0500
>>>Received: from mail.airmail.net by UA1VM.UA.EDU (IBM VM SMTP V2R3) with TCP;
>>> Tue, 25 Jun 96 03:03:45 CDT
>>>Received: by mail.airmail.net (/\##/\ Smail3.1.30.16 #30.73)
>>> id <m0uYT6s-000FLlC@mail.airmail.net>; Tue,
>>> 25 Jun 96 03:04:30 -0500 (CDT)
>>>Message-Id: <>
>>>X-Sender: jbarrett@mail.airmail.net
>>>X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.4 (32)
>>>Mime-Version: 1.0
>>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>>Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 02:50:50 -0500
>>>To: adept_a@ix.netcom.com,jimmymac@texoma.com,kklett@xl.com,
>>> dwaters1@ua1vm.ua.edu
>>>From: John Barrett <jbarrett@airmail.net>
>>>Subject: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.
>>>>Return-Path: <Ev1LX@aol.com>
>>>>Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 03:53:01 -0400
>>>>From: Ev1LX@aol.com
>>>>To: jbarrett@airmail.net
>>>>Subject: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.
>>>>Date: 96-06-25 03:33:30 EDT
>>>>From: KiNG 00000
>>>>To: BcIsPhat,CIA MaLiCe,DATSGR84ME
>>>>To: DeathrowF5,E v 1 LX,JustLeavin
>>>>To: Merseian 6,N0Ose,Pure Phist
>>>>To: SchIong2,X DyNo Fx
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.
>>>>Date: 96-06-24 21:11:20 EDT
>>>>From: Oo0RaiN0oO
>>>>To: KiNG 00000,CMiddle790,STaN YAYAY
>>>>To: Spitz49,RoXXzMaDD,I am CrAsH
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.
>>>>Date: 96-06-24 17:25:57 EDT
>>>>From: XPiHXdOpe
>>>>To: Eye B DiE,Oo0RaiN0oO,I am CrAsH
>>>>To: Bigburtha9,OBLuRRO
>>>>In a message dated 96-06-24 16:07:18 EDT, PiHxStAnG3 writes:
>>>><< .
>>>>Date: 96-06-24 16:07:18 EDT
>>>>From: PiHxStAnG3
>>>>To: XPiHXdOpe
>>>>hehehehh what a crock of shit. eheheheh
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.
>>>>Date: 96-06-24 01:37:09 EDT
>>>>From: CKelly6618
>>>>To: PiHxASpA X, PiHxStAnG3, PiHxIroNx, TOUGH15GUY
>>>>To: PiHxWiSe
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: You have to Foward this its just so sad.
>>>>Date: 96-06-24 00:03:39 EDT
>>>>From: Da Dawgg81
>>>>To: CKelly6618, PiHxSkiPEr, KungPow
>>>>To: MBrothers@wow.com, Mugsy222, MASE14NY, Angie6770
>>>>To: Blman, Harley44zz, Groovytoon
>>>>I know you don't want this but, sorry I had to foward it, its just so
sad. :(
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: Dying Wish
>>>>Date: 96-06-23 14:48:55 EDT
>>>>From: Cdt Cyill
>>>>To: Da Dawgg81, PLUMWIZARD, Indo63, NYSReport
>>>>To: TieDPlt, Lazarus80
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: Dying Wish
>>>>Date: 96-06-23 13:08:00 EDT
>>>>From: KrazeyJoy
>>>>To: Lazarus80, Cdt Cyill
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: Dying Wish
>>>>Date: 96-06-21 16:11:51 EDT
>>>>From: Rkacat
>>>>To: Amor, BBouie, BillD4321, CMarie11, DDohe45357
>>>>To: Delen, ESPORTS44, E13lax, Jacobyja, JennEick
>>>>To: JFitch1025, JLewis2960, JnLaguette, Juniper141
>>>>To: KrazeyJoy, MMandel, Relax les, RideSoFar, Rkacat
>>>>To: SGlad98302, Skyy88, Snoopy6773, TMoore6000
>>>>To: Turtle302, DLH5, Delenn162, Falon12, LAELIA 8
>>>>To: Marvin3414, Megan2002, Mickey3200, NikiNoir
>>>>To: VenusFever, hochman@prodigy.com, ClarkeBW
>>>>To: Bull 2964, KKelly, BRADCAR, Joey4crazy, TONYMATT
>>>>To: Tony8899, MimiMagey, DuffusD2, SamAmber
>>>>To: BLAKEBOOD, Cay008, Elmo 77777, Funny 7812, Fury85
>>>>To: HistoryL1, JBorof1052, Jennie11, JLK84
>>>>To: KatesKates, KatieAKat, KBobrow, Kema303
>>>>To: KWilkin664, Lelaina1, MDewees717, Popelp
>>>>To: Rainjoy333, ShelbyB925, SmartyKid, VEGGYSPAM
>>>>I know some of you guys don't like chain letters but this one is so sad
and I
>>>>felt I had to send it. Please read this letter
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: Dying Wish
>>>>Date: 96-06-17 15:54:34 EDT
>>>>From: SamAmber
>>>>To: PENNY 2338, MimiMagey, Allison264, VEGGYSPAM
>>>>To: HistoryL1, Ashleya731, ANelson278, Cay008
>>>>To: Delight244, Elmo 77777, Funny 7812, Fury85
>>>>To: JBorof1052, JennEick, Jennie11, JessCalico, JLK84
>>>>To: Juniper141, KatesKates, KatnKandy1, KBobrow16
>>>>To: Kema303, KWilkin664, Lelaina1, MDewees717, Popelp
>>>>To: Rainjoy333, Relax les, Rkacat, SamAmber, Saree87
>>>>To: ShelbyB925, SmartyKid, Taz887
>>>>really sad, read please
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: Dying Wish
>>>>Date: 96-06-15 19:18:37 EDT
>>>>From: MimiMagey
>>>>To: SamAmber, Cay008, SkidRow106, BritSkye, Jinleein
>>>>Please read this, guys. It's really sad. Lynn, e-mail me when you can.
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-06-14 13:55:32 EDT
>>>>To: MimiMagey, KatesKates
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-06-13 22:18:52 EDT
>>>>From: PENNY 2338
>>>>To: Aggies34, DRLHorn, LeahMos, M829, Ashleya731
>>>>hi i guess this is serious. its sad also. please help this 7 year old, and
>>>>lets wish him our best wishes.
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-06-13 17:39:09 EDT
>>>>From: SamIAm2672
>>>>To: PENNY 2338, RIPKEN 100, Moogle2916, Janis J3
>>>>To: JeanJo99
>>>>Hey guys!
>>>> Uh...Read this okay?? Bye!!
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-06-11 15:50:49 EDT
>>>>From: Ana 24
>>>>To: SamIAm2672
>>>>Hey Sam! You can read this if you'd like to or not. Which ever! Bye.
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-24 02:09:34 EDT
>>>>From: CwbyLuv23
>>>>To: Lily282828
>>>>CC: Sodadream, Heavenlv, Ana 24, Pokey18515
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-24 00:48:31 EDT
>>>>From: Meridian22
>>>>To: CwbyLuv23
>>>>CC: NICK822, TxWaltzer, JStew21212, Tiggerr23
>>>>I don't normally do this forward thing, but this one really got to me so
>>>>PLEASE read and pass on!!!! Thanx...love, Sara
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-23 15:40:45 EDT
>>>>From: Equuleusa
>>>>To: lizvan@holly.colostate.edu, Kajukun, SEWIII
>>>>To: Fufu96, CHISAGO570, SpltPrfume, Shycntrygl
>>>>To: Meridian22
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-22 22:06:57 EDT
>>>>From: GOSHINDO
>>>>To: Equuleusa
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-17 10:16:48 EDT
>>>>From: MoniSKA666
>>>>To: XergeXaob, RudeboyMN, NYC PUNX, SKA Pimp
>>>>To: Skank King, MTX23, AsSFinKteR, Plum666
>>>>To: Rudie39144, SPY4SKA, ScAtTcAtT, PUNKEREAR
>>>>To: Lumina6655, Star ma5, SKA MU330, Stutter221
>>>>To: Jane 2step, EXPLOIT 99, SkAPuNK21, MICRORPHAN
>>>>To: Mohawk999, MOHAWK XXX, Bonfirekid, Ek lo key
>>>>To: PickItUp1, NOFX Not, JHop08, KevDM, NeonSkunk
>>>>To: ToasterSen, RaSkApuNK, PunkRawk27, CMatth9212
>>>>To: PWaz164, SKAPUNX99, FYRMNSEAN, ActionBaum
>>>>To: GOSHINDO, Catch22 P, RuderDenU, NY Vespa
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-16 17:11:39 EDT
>>>>From: RGreen2350
>>>>To: Topher411, Hale5832, AlexF80, NycSka5762
>>>>To: NoParking9, Skapunk00 or Culler@ibm.net
>>>>To: StarGerl, RBigFish, Jonnny rot, IluvSka666
>>>>To: FUGAZIPWMT, Mdb3006, SKAboyMN, Skins 999
>>>>To: ErnieCLC, NAVAROCORG, Kaya 14, MoniSKA666
>>>>To: Chickie212, AUGWEST421, Avogadro99, Ebin21, BDFXX
>>>>To: Choc chips, NYsPhinest, Nikki D185, Yoda Moo
>>>>To: Bambieyz, Bari23, Shokkraa, KBKoala, Legass
>>>>To: Phishy1027, Lilach, Violette33, JoeyRegen
>>>>To: Phunkychic, LevinDan, Shazam 81
>>>>To: ateitler@sas.upenn.edu, Lilisan
>>>>To: KGJC99C@prodigy.com, BRBX55B@prodigy.com
>>>>To: ncboswel@pine.shu.ac.uk, rsf@umich.edu
>>>>To: Ajax851054, DMCN1, Ayoda69, Rejoin, Dlk83, Alycia
>>>>To: BeasteBoy7, TIFFJEAN, Elmo KMS, Tam D Ball
>>>>To: Lauren80
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-14 22:51:58 EDT
>>>>From: Althea32
>>>>To: Yllowsub6, ILoveGeese, Alageegee, BROWS3SAL
>>>>To: Yowassupyo, Kaya32, STEFANY8, Curly 9014
>>>>To: EPiLOG 5, RGreen2350, ChewLaRoue, Peronista
>>>>To: LurnSoozy, am859@detroit.freenet.org
>>>>To: DJ6438@cnsvax.albany.edu
>>>>To: jcannon@ridgewood.ridgewood.k12.nj.us
>>>>i had to send it to more than five people. i guess i was moved, i mean like
>>>>really touched. please pass it on- don't send it to anyone in GER 'cause we
>>>>all got it.
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-14 21:52:42 EDT
>>>>From: JuliaPaige
>>>>To: Althea32, Theedge216, GrtflBear, RAK0319, JEM1229
>>>>sorry i'm sending you all a forward but i couldnt ignore this one.
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-13 19:40:27 EDT
>>>>From: DBenHair
>>>>To: BeckyLR, JuliaPaige, Libby914, csmall@detour.com
>>>>To: Jlevine24, MelSussman, umps47c@prodigy.com
>>>>To: EvlKnievl7, 71302.2105@compuserve.com, LGoldie2
>>>>To: LBMuppets, SOFS 97, PoohCorn96, Ben Akiba2
>>>>To: Jake22d, Doribell, GBrit53135, TahliaA, ArielF16
>>>>To: DREDoctor, Beth744, Sacrystal, SAE707
>>>>To: xddK55b@prodigy.com, Shanadel, Dakjess, BeekerFAS
>>>>To: FattyMAK, jbl1@ix.netcom.com, ELinder1
>>>>To: Pixie zzzz, ZKolstein, AbBecker, LGlanzrock
>>>>To: SW Locust
>>>>hey all - i know what we all think of forwards (esp Tahlia), but this is so
>>>>touching. it hit me right there. when you read it (it is short), you will
>>>>understand what i mean
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: My dying wish (fwd)
>>>>Date: 96-05-08 22:30:33 EDT
>>>>From: Stylin GQ
>>>>To: ChipppyK, Manarc, DBenHair, Doribell, AbelesP
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: My dying wish (fwd)
>>>>Date: 96-05-07 20:26:58 EDT
>>>>From: Era98
>>>>To: Stylin GQ, KECA7, Kirst98, Marc082, MstrsVynrd
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: My dying wish (fwd)
>>>>Date: 96-05-06 20:02:30 EDT
>>>>From: GSWiner
>>>>To: QueenLAP
>>>>CC: Era98, Enrgizme
>>>>I don't know.... i got this and i'll feel bad if I don't send it!!!
>>>>Forwarded Message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: My dying wish (fwd)
>>>>Date: 96-05-02 23:59:55 EDT
>>>>From: BATS007@aol.com
>>>>To: GSWiner@aol.com, JLEEC69@aol.com, JGOLDBER@daniel.drew.edu,
>>>>FIVEEDS@aol.com, davidsonml@kenyon.edu
>>>>hi guys, this is sad but worth it. hope you don't mind.
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>From: ccurry@husc.HARVARD.EDU (Colleen Curry)
>>>>To: BATS007@aol.com (Bitsy Griffin), Katie1996@aol.com (Katie Griffen),
>>>>c_mcnamara@smcvax.smcvt.edu (Caroline McNamara),
>>>>aephelan@hcacad.holycross.edu (Alicia Phelan),
>>>>Kerin.Brauer@mail.cc.trincoll.edu (Kerin Brauer)
>>>>Date: 96-05-01 11:41:44 EDT
>>>>i don't usually send these forward things, but this one is for a good
>>>>cause. besides, you guys are always sending me fwds.
>>>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 01:35:35 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>From: Mary Gallagher <mlgallag@husc.harvard.edu>
>>>>To: Colleen Curry <ccurry@husc.harvard.edu>,
>>>> Catherine Malone <cmalone@husc.harvard.edu>,
>>>> Andra Voldins <avoldins@husc.harvard.edu>,
>>>> Jenner Bryce <bryce@husc.harvard.edu>,
>>>> Carrie Jenks <jenks@husc.harvard.edu>
>>>>Subject: My dying wish (fwd)
>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forwarded message begins here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>>From: Anthony Parkin <Parkin@MayoHospital.health.com>
>>>>>Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 12:46:46 +0800
>>>>>To: Amy E Nygaard <Amy.E.Nygaard-1@tc.umn.edu>
>>>>>Subject: My dying wish
>>>>>My name is Anthony Parkin, and you don't know me. I'm 7 years old,
>>>>>and I have lukemea. I found your name using gopher, and I would like
>>>>>for you to carry out my dying wish of starting a chain letter. Please
>>>>>send this letter to five people you know so I can live forever.
>>>>> Thank You very much
>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forwarded message ends here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
>>>>>From BATS007@aol.com Thu May 2 23:59:39 1996
>>>>Return-Path: BATS007@aol.com
>>>>Received: from emout14.mail.aol.com (emout14.mx.aol.com []) by
>>>>emin33.mail.aol.com (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id XAA10217 for
>>>><GSWiner@aol.com>; Thu, 2 May 1996 23:59:39 -0400
>>>>Received: by emout14.mail.aol.com (8.6.12/8.6.12) id XAA15598; Thu, 2 May
>>>>1996 23:59:31 -0400
>>>>Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 23:59:31 -0400
>>>>From: BATS007@aol.com
>>>>Message-ID: <960502235929_105592248@emout14.mail.aol.com>
>>>>To: GSWiner@aol.com, JLEEC69@aol.com, JGOLDBER@daniel.drew.edu,
>>>> FIVEEDS@aol.com, davidsonml@kenyon.edu
>>>>Subject: Fwd: My dying wish (fwd) >>
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.
>>>>Date: 96-06-24 16:07:18 EDT
>>>>From: PiHxStAnG3
>>>>To: XPiHXdOpe
>>>>hehehehh what a crock of shit. eheheheh
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: You have to Foward this its just so sad.
>>>>Date: 96-06-24 01:37:09 EDT
>>>>From: CKelly6618
>>>>To: PiHxASpA X,PiHxStAnG3,PiHxIroNx
>>>>To: TOUGH15GUY,PiHxWiSe
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: You have to Foward this its just so sad.
>>>>Date: 96-06-24 00:03:39 EDT
>>>>From: Da Dawgg81
>>>>To: CKelly6618,PiHxSkiPEr,KungPow
>>>>To: MBrothers@wow.com,Mugsy222
>>>>To: MASE14NY,Angie6770,Blman
>>>>To: Harley44zz,Groovytoon
>>>>I know you don't want this but, sorry I had to foward it, its just so
sad. :(
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: Dying Wish
>>>>Date: 96-06-23 14:48:55 EDT
>>>>From: Cdt Cyill
>>>>To: Da Dawgg81,PLUMWIZARD,Indo63
>>>>To: NYSReport,TieDPlt,Lazarus80
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: Dying Wish
>>>>Date: 96-06-23 13:08:00 EDT
>>>>From: KrazeyJoy
>>>>To: Lazarus80,Cdt Cyill
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: Dying Wish
>>>>Date: 96-06-21 16:11:51 EDT
>>>>From: Rkacat
>>>>To: Amor,BBouie,BillD4321,CMarie11
>>>>To: DDohe45357,Delen,ESPORTS44,E13lax
>>>>To: Jacobyja,JennEick,JFitch1025
>>>>To: JLewis2960,JnLaguette,Juniper141
>>>>To: KrazeyJoy,MMandel,Relax les
>>>>To: RideSoFar,Rkacat,SGlad98302
>>>>To: Skyy88,Snoopy6773,TMoore6000
>>>>To: Turtle302,DLH5,Delenn162,Falon12
>>>>To: LAELIA 8,Marvin3414,Megan2002
>>>>To: Mickey3200,NikiNoir,VenusFever
>>>>To: hochman@prodigy.com,ClarkeBW
>>>>To: Bull 2964,KKelly,BRADCAR
>>>>To: Joey4crazy,TONYMATT,Tony8899
>>>>To: MimiMagey,DuffusD2,SamAmber
>>>>To: BLAKEBOOD,Cay008,Elmo 77777
>>>>To: Funny 7812,Fury85,HistoryL1
>>>>To: JBorof1052,Jennie11,JLK84
>>>>To: KatesKates,KatieAKat,KBobrow
>>>>To: Kema303,KWilkin664,Lelaina1
>>>>To: MDewees717,Popelp,Rainjoy333
>>>>To: ShelbyB925,SmartyKid,VEGGYSPAM
>>>>I know some of you guys don't like chain letters but this one is so sad
and I
>>>>felt I had to send it. Please read this letter
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: Dying Wish
>>>>Date: 96-06-17 15:54:34 EDT
>>>>From: SamAmber
>>>>To: PENNY 2338,MimiMagey,Allison264
>>>>To: VEGGYSPAM,HistoryL1,Ashleya731
>>>>To: ANelson278,Cay008,Delight244
>>>>To: Elmo 77777,Funny 7812,Fury85
>>>>To: JBorof1052,JennEick,Jennie11
>>>>To: JessCalico,JLK84,Juniper141
>>>>To: KatesKates,KatnKandy1,KBobrow16
>>>>To: Kema303,KWilkin664,Lelaina1
>>>>To: MDewees717,Popelp,Rainjoy333
>>>>To: Relax les,Rkacat,SamAmber,Saree87
>>>>To: ShelbyB925,SmartyKid,Taz887
>>>>really sad, read please
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: Dying Wish
>>>>Date: 96-06-15 19:18:37 EDT
>>>>From: MimiMagey
>>>>To: SamAmber,Cay008,SkidRow106
>>>>To: BritSkye,Jinleein
>>>>Please read this, guys. It's really sad. Lynn, e-mail me when you can.
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-06-14 13:55:32 EDT
>>>>To: MimiMagey,KatesKates
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-06-13 22:18:52 EDT
>>>>From: PENNY 2338
>>>>To: Aggies34,DRLHorn,LeahMos,M829
>>>>To: Ashleya731,BLAKEBOOD
>>>>hi i guess this is serious. its sad also. please help this 7 year old, and
>>>>lets wish him our best wishes.
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-06-13 17:39:09 EDT
>>>>From: SamIAm2672
>>>>To: PENNY 2338,RIPKEN 100,Moogle2916
>>>>To: Janis J3,JeanJo99
>>>>Hey guys!
>>>> Uh...Read this okay?? Bye!!
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-06-11 15:50:49 EDT
>>>>From: Ana 24
>>>>To: SamIAm2672
>>>>Hey Sam! You can read this if you'd like to or not. Which ever! Bye.
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-24 02:09:34 EDT
>>>>From: CwbyLuv23
>>>>To: Lily282828
>>>>CC: Sodadream,Heavenlv,Ana 24
>>>>CC: Pokey18515
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-24 00:48:31 EDT
>>>>From: Meridian22
>>>>To: CwbyLuv23
>>>>CC: NICK822,TxWaltzer,JStew21212
>>>>CC: Tiggerr23
>>>>I don't normally do this forward thing, but this one really got to me so
>>>>PLEASE read and pass on!!!! Thanx...love, Sara
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-23 15:40:45 EDT
>>>>From: Equuleusa
>>>>To: lizvan@holly.colostate.edu,Kajukun
>>>>To: SEWIII,Fufu96,CHISAGO570
>>>>To: SpltPrfume,Shycntrygl,Meridian22
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-22 22:06:57 EDT
>>>>From: GOSHINDO
>>>>To: Equuleusa
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-17 10:16:48 EDT
>>>>From: MoniSKA666
>>>>To: XergeXaob,RudeboyMN,NYC PUNX
>>>>To: SKA Pimp,Skank King,MTX23
>>>>To: AsSFinKteR,Plum666,Rudie39144
>>>>To: Lumina6655,Star ma5,SKA MU330
>>>>To: Stutter221,Jane 2step,EXPLOIT 99
>>>>To: SkAPuNK21,MICRORPHAN,Mohawk999
>>>>To: MOHAWK XXX,Bonfirekid,Ek lo key
>>>>To: PickItUp1,NOFX Not,JHop08,KevDM
>>>>To: NeonSkunk,ToasterSen,RaSkApuNK
>>>>To: PunkRawk27,CMatth9212,PWaz164
>>>>To: SKAPUNX99,FYRMNSEAN,ActionBaum
>>>>To: GOSHINDO,Catch22 P,RuderDenU
>>>>To: NY Vespa,ORUDEBOYo
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-16 17:11:39 EDT
>>>>From: RGreen2350
>>>>To: Topher411,Hale5832,AlexF80
>>>>To: NycSka5762,NoParking9
>>>>To: Skapunk00 or Culler@ibm.net
>>>>To: StarGerl,RBigFish,Jonnny rot
>>>>To: IluvSka666,FUGAZIPWMT,Mdb3006
>>>>To: SKAboyMN,Skins 999,ErnieCLC
>>>>To: NAVAROCORG,Kaya 14,MoniSKA666
>>>>To: Chickie212,AUGWEST421,Avogadro99
>>>>To: Ebin21,BDFXX,Choc chips
>>>>To: NYsPhinest,Nikki D185,Yoda Moo
>>>>To: Bambieyz,Bari23,Shokkraa,KBKoala
>>>>To: Legass,Phishy1027,Lilach
>>>>To: Violette33,JoeyRegen,Phunkychic
>>>>To: LevinDan,Shazam 81
>>>>To: ateitler@sas.upenn.edu,Lilisan
>>>>To: KGJC99C@prodigy.com
>>>>To: BRBX55B@prodigy.com
>>>>To: ncboswel@pine.shu.ac.uk
>>>>To: rsf@umich.edu,Ajax851054,DMCN1
>>>>To: Ayoda69,Rejoin,Dlk83,Alycia
>>>>To: BeasteBoy7,TIFFJEAN,Elmo KMS
>>>>To: Tam D Ball,Lauren80
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-14 22:51:58 EDT
>>>>From: Althea32
>>>>To: Yllowsub6,ILoveGeese,Alageegee
>>>>To: BROWS3SAL,Yowassupyo,Kaya32
>>>>To: STEFANY8,Curly 9014,EPiLOG 5
>>>>To: RGreen2350,ChewLaRoue,Peronista
>>>>To: LurnSoozy,am859@detroit.freenet.org
>>>>To: DJ6438@cnsvax.albany.edu
>>>>To: jcannon@ridgewood.ridgewood.k12.nj.us
>>>>i had to send it to more than five people. i guess i was moved, i mean like
>>>>really touched. please pass it on- don't send it to anyone in GER 'cause we
>>>>all got it.
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-14 21:52:42 EDT
>>>>From: JuliaPaige
>>>>To: Althea32,Theedge216,GrtflBear
>>>>To: RAK0319,JEM1229
>>>>sorry i'm sending you all a forward but i couldnt ignore this one.
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: please read this - please, really
>>>>Date: 96-05-13 19:40:27 EDT
>>>>From: DBenHair
>>>>To: BeckyLR,JuliaPaige,Libby914
>>>>To: csmall@detour.com,Jlevine24
>>>>To: MelSussman,umps47c@prodigy.com
>>>>To: EvlKnievl7
>>>>To: 71302.2105@compuserve.com,LGoldie2
>>>>To: LBMuppets,SOFS 97,PoohCorn96
>>>>To: Ben Akiba2,Jake22d,Doribell
>>>>To: GBrit53135,TahliaA,ArielF16
>>>>To: DREDoctor,Beth744,Sacrystal
>>>>To: SAE707,xddK55b@prodigy.com
>>>>To: Shanadel,Dakjess,BeekerFAS
>>>>To: FattyMAK,jbl1@ix.netcom.com
>>>>To: ELinder1,Pixie zzzz,ZKolstein
>>>>To: AbBecker,LGlanzrock,SW Locust
>>>>hey all - i know what we all think of forwards (esp Tahlia), but this is so
>>>>touching. it hit me right there. when you read it (it is short), you will
>>>>understand what i mean
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: My dying wish (fwd)
>>>>Date: 96-05-08 22:30:33 EDT
>>>>From: Stylin GQ
>>>>To: ChipppyK,Manarc,DBenHair,Doribell
>>>>To: AbelesP
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: My dying wish (fwd)
>>>>Date: 96-05-07 20:26:58 EDT
>>>>From: Era98
>>>>To: Stylin GQ,KECA7,Kirst98,Marc082
>>>>To: MstrsVynrd
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>Subj: Fwd: My dying wish (fwd)
>>>>Date: 96-05-06 20:02:30 EDT
>>>>From: GSWiner
>>>>To: QueenLAP
>>>>CC: Era98,Enrgizme
>>>>I don't know.... i got this and i'll feel bad if I don't send it!!!
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>From: BATS007@aol.com
>>>>To: GSWiner@aol.com, JLEEC69@aol.com, JGOLDBER@daniel.drew.edu,
>>>>FIVEEDS@aol.com, davidsonml@kenyon.edu
>>>>Date: 96-05-02 23:59:55 EDT
>>>>hi guys, this is sad but worth it. hope you don't mind.
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>From: ccurry@husc.HARVARD.EDU (Colleen Curry)
>>>>To: BATS007@aol.com (Bitsy Griffin), Katie1996@aol.com (Katie Griffen),
>>>>c_mcnamara@smcvax.smcvt.edu (Caroline McNamara),
>>>>aephelan@hcacad.holycross.edu (Alicia Phelan),
>>>>Kerin.Brauer@mail.cc.trincoll.edu (Kerin Brauer)
>>>>Date: 96-05-01 11:41:44 EDT
>>>>i don't usually send these forward things, but this one is for a good
>>>>cause. besides, you guys are always sending me fwds.
>>>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>Date: Wed, 1 May 1996 01:35:35 -0400 (EDT)
>>>>From: Mary Gallagher <mlgallag@husc.harvard.edu>
>>>>To: Colleen Curry <ccurry@husc.harvard.edu>,
>>>> Catherine Malone <cmalone@husc.harvard.edu>,
>>>> Andra Voldins <avoldins@husc.harvard.edu>,
>>>> Jenner Bryce <bryce@husc.harvard.edu>,
>>>> Carrie Jenks <jenks@husc.harvard.edu>
>>>>Subject: My dying wish (fwd)
>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forwarded message begins here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>>From: Anthony Parkin <Parkin@MayoHospital.health.com>
>>>>>Date: Wed, 17 Apr 1996 12:46:46 +0800
>>>>>To: Amy E Nygaard <Amy.E.Nygaard-1@tc.umn.edu>
>>>>>Subject: My dying wish
>>>>>My name is Anthony Parkin, and you don't know me. I'm 7 years old,
>>>>>and I have lukemea. I found your name using gopher, and I would like
>>>>>for you to carry out my dying wish of starting a chain letter. Please
>>>>>send this letter to five people you know so I can live forever.
>>>>> Thank You very much
>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forwarded message ends here ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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