fdv [datum] [nit] [naslov] [avtor] [reply]
Datum:Thu, 09 May 1996 14:01:50 +0100 [naprej][nazaj]

>From: UEK::FDTRIVUNDZA 9-MAY-1996 13:48:54.84
>Subj: test
>>>From: Elke Hentschel <jasam@zedat.fu-berlin.de>
>>>To: copy_to_all <bachorsk@rz.uni-potsdam.de>, 100135.1031@compuserve.com,
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>>>Subject: Auschwitz Mall (fwd)
>>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>>>Forwarded message:
>>>>From: jerrisa@carleton.edu
>>>>Sender: owner-hj@teleport.com
>>>>To: hj@teleport.com
>>>>Date: 96-05-04 13:18:10 EDT
>>>>* To everyone who is outraged at the CONSTRUCTION OF A MALL AT
>>>>* This is an e-mail petition to protest against the building of a shopping
>>>>* mall, with stores, a beer tavern and an amusement arcade,
>>>>* outrage a few weeks ago led to the Polish President's and Prime
>>>>* Minister's condemnation of the building project. However, contrary
>>>>* to Polish international obligations, authority over the development has
>>>>* remained with the local administration, The local administration
>>>>* in turn, has not only CONTINUED CONSTRUCTION, but also permitted a
>>>>* neo-fascist group to hold an anti-Semitic rally on the premises.
>>>>* Please read the following letter, and mail it off as part of a
>>>>* world-wide e-mail petition. IT WILL TAKE YOU EXACTLY A MINUTE.
>>>>* If you would like to edit passages or add comments of your own, feel free.
>>>>* Revise this letter in any way you feel is appropriate
>>>>* Following are detailed instruction on how to participate in the
>>>>* petition. Apologies to those of you who are e-mail experts and
>>>>* know all of this already. The intention is to make sure that no
>>>>* letter will be derailed because someone is still a beginner.
>>>>* This is what you should do:
>>>>* 1. First of all, forward this petition to everyone you know that
>>>>* cares about the largest Jewish cemetery in the world.
>>>>* 2. There are two ways to make your opinion heard: by e-mail and by
>>>>* fax.
>>>>* 3. If you are faxing, write down the fax numbers below. Delete the
>>>>* entire section marked by asterisks. Print out a copy,
>>>>* sign your name, and fax away.
>>>>* 4. If you are e-mailing, write down the e-mail addresses below.
>>>>* Choose the "Forward" command, and when asked if you want to edit
>>>>* the message, choose "Yes". Delete the entire section marked
>>>>* by asterisks. Make sure to delete any information (in short
>>>>* paragraphs preceding the actual content of the e-mail) about those who
>>>>* forwarded the letter to you. We want to make these letters look as
>>>>* personal as possible. Revise the letter if you like. Type your name
>>>>* at the end of the letter, and any personal information (title,
>>>>* signature, company etc). Send it to all the e-mail addresses provided.
>>>>* 5. For Americans: please send copies of your correspondence to your
>>>>* Members of Congress, and in particular, to Rep. Eliot Engel (17th
>>>>* Dist-D),
>>>>* 1433 Longworth Building, Washington DC 20515, FAX 202-225-5513.
>>>>* Note: every Member of Congress has an e-mail address. You can
>>>>* find it on the Internet. Mail them a copy.
>>>>* 6. For updates on the situation at Auschwitz, contact the
>>>>* Coalition for Jewish Concerns-AMCHA, 3690 Netherland Avenue, Bronx,
>>>>* NY, 10463, FAX 781-884-3206, e-mail Judy Balint (National Director) at
>>>>* JudyB14868@aol.com
>>>>* Here are the addresses:
>>>>*E -mail:
>>>>* Polish Foreign Ministry / Polish government:
>>>>* mszdpi@sam.nask.com.pl
>>>>* ajakubow@urm.gov.pl
>>>>* msdzpi@warman.com.pl
>>>>* Polish embassy in Washington:
>>>>* empol@dgs.dgsys.com
>>>>* fax (202) 883 -8343, (202) 202-328-6271
>>>>* remote-printer.Poland_Embassy@
>>>>* Polish embassy in Ottawa:
>>>>* Ambassador Tadeusz Diem
>>>>* polamb@hookup.com
>>>>* Fax 613-789-1218
>>>>* Canadian embassy in Poland:
>>>>* wsaw.td@wsa01.x400.gc.ca
>>>>* fax: 011-48-22-296457
>>>>* Polish Consulate in Strasbourg, France:
>>>>* 100304.3606@compuserve.com
>>>>* Polish Consul General in New York:
>>>>* Mr. Sudyrkowski
>>>>* Tel 212-889-2066
>>>>* Fax 212-779-3062, 212-818-9623
>>>>* Polish President Kwasnieski,
>>>>* Namiestnikowski Palace Warsaw
>>>>* Fax 011-48-22-628-4701
>>>>* Prime Minister Cimosaewicz,
>>>>* Fax 011-48-22-625-2637
>>>>* Polish Consulate in Chicago:
>>>>* fax: (312) 642-4102
>>>>* Polish Consulate in LA:
>>>>* fax: (310) 442-8526
>>>>* American Consulate in Krakow:
>>>>* fax: 011-48-12-218292
>>>>* US Trade Center Warsaw
>>>>* Maria Andrews
>>>>* fax: 011-48-22-621-6327
>>>>* Note: All information is courtesy of AMCHA or obtained from
>>>>* the internet, and should be up to date.
>>>>* This is the petition letter:
>>>> Dear Sir/Madam:
>>>> I write to strongly protest the construction of a shopping mall,
>>>>housing a beer tavern and an amusement arcade, in the immediate
>>>>vicinity of the Auschwitz death camp.
>>>> Despite assurances by Polish government officials that the project
>>>>would be suspended, observers at the site report that the construction
>>>>is continuing. On March 26, a day after the order to halt construction had
>>>>been issued, Jewish groups saw 60 workers still busy at the site. On
>>>>March 27, Agence France Presse and eye-witnesses noted that 40 workers
>>>>were erecting walls and plastering a building slated to become a store.
>>>>Despite the condemnations made by President Kwasnieski and Prime
>>>>Minister Cimoszewicz, local authorities clearly have sufficient discretion
>>>>to resume construction.
>>>> The development of a commercial center only 30 yards away from
>>>>the site where 1 million Jews and 600 000 non-Jews were murdered is
>>>>a nauseating desecration of their memory. This matter should not be
>>>>subject to a "temporary suspension" pending on an inquiry; it is a
>>>>clear violation of international law that should be halted completely
>>>>and unconditionally.
>>>> Poland is a signatory to the 1972 UN Convention on the Protection of
>>>>World Cultural and National Heritage, which designates Auschwitz as a
>>>>historical site, and forwards the concept of an internationally protected
>>>>around the camp. A 1979 UNESCO declaration identifies Auschwitz as a
>>>>"historical site and a place of human testimony", and created a 500 meter
>>>>buffer zone around the camp's grounds.
>>>> I urge the Polish government to comply with these international
>>>>laws, overrule its local authorities, and halt construction at Auschwitz
>>>>promptly and permanently. I appeal to all in positions of power
>>>>to influence those who would belittle and deface the largest Jewish
>>>>cemetery in the world.
>>>> Sincerely
>>>> <name>
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>>>*broken integer is not as broken as it used to be.......*
>>>*for god sakes jim i am doctor not a modem salesman...*~*
>>>*i will atdt you if you dont ath me....~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
>>>*and as i always used to say..................................................*
>Dragana Trivundza
>facaulty of social sciencies
>Cankarjeva 33
>8210 Trebnje
>tel.:+386 68 45 305
